Rosalyn Yalow Charter School

The Rosalyn Yalow Charter School opened September 1, 2015 with 212 students in grades K and 1, and will reach 536 students as a K-5 school in FY2019-20, our 5th year. Some of our school’s key design elements include: qualified staff focused on at-risk students; a robust response-to-intervention team, consisting of special education and ESL teachers overseen by a director of assessment; a quality curriculum, consisting of Core Knowledge Language Arts, Singapore Math, and inquiry-based science; high-quality collaborators, including the Bronx Arts Ensemble for art, dance, and music, chess instructors, and fencing coaches; meticulous data-driven instruction, guided by STEP Literacy assessment and NWEA MAP for math.       

View the Rosalyn Yalow Charter School website